Discovery Tool Catalog
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The library provides students with many databases covering many subject areas. Many databases offer the option to limit searches to articles found in scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, news sources like magazines and newspapers, and trade publications.
Below are databases that may be of particular interest to veterans outside of class assignments:
Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with areas of study such as Business, Health, Criminal Justice, Science, Humanities, Political Science and more. Features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of local, regional and national news sources.
The most comprehensive business travel, telecommunications and business culture reference available in the world. The Global Road Warrior covers 175 countries in three volumes of 3,840 full-sized pages.
Full text access to a wide range of news, business, legal, and reference information. Medical & health; federal, state & international legal materials; corporate news & financial information, and more.
Safari Business Books Online delivers instant, reliable answers to both students and researchers. From problem solving and leadership to customer service and employee performance, these e-reference business books deal with a wide range of critical business skills. [includes Tech Video Component]
From newspapers and magazines to scholarly journals, PBSC Libraries provide access to 1000s of online journals. You can search for journals by title or discipline using the Library Publications page.
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