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How to Turn on the Computer

  1. Locate the computer
    1. First floor computers are all located under the table by your seat
    2. Second floor computers

i. Main seating section computers are located under the table, by your seat

ii. Reference section computers are located on the table, next to the monitor

  1. Third floor computers

i. LL303 (Computer Lab) computers are located under the table

ii. Online Catalog computers are located under the table

iii. Quiet study computers are located on the table, next to the monitor

  1. Press the power button on computer
    1. Located on the front of the box

Logging On

Using the computer only requires two things: a username and password. It's as easy as logging into Blackboard or PantherWeb.

  1. Select Other User
  2. Enter your student number in the username field
  3. Enter your PantherWeb password into the password field. 
  4. Login

*If your student number doesn't work, try your student email address


Logging Off

  1. Press Windows button in bottom left corner 
  2. Select the Profile button (third button up, above Settings and Power)
  3. Press Sign Out

To access the library catalog, databases, and other resources while off campus, log on through the library homepage. There is also access through Canvas and Workday.

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