Researching all potential fields before settling on a major can help avoid changing your major multiple times and discovering the 'perfect ' major/career for you. MOOCs offer free to low cost courses in numerous fields including business, engineering, medical environmental and much, much more. If you have something in mind but is not entirely sure whether or not that career path is the right for you. One of the best options is to take a course and gain actual experience of that job aspect. With MOOCs, you can enroll in a course in just a couple of minutes free of cost. MOOCs aim is to bring inaccessible education to anyone with an internet connection. Beside MOOCs, there are other programs with similar intention such as BOOCs, DOCCs, SMOCs, and SPOCs. When you are undecided, it is important to be open-minded, always ready to explore all the wonder the world has to offer.