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PC Related How-Tos: Microsoft Word - Style

Commonly asked questions about the computer and how to use it.

APA Style

Easily Formatted APA Paper

  1. Open Microsoft Word
  2. In the "search for templates online" search box, type APA
  3. APA style report (6th edition) 

A pre-filled document will now be formatted to APA style guidelines. Replace entered text with your text.

MLA Style

Easily Formatted MLA Paper

  1. Open Microsoft Word
  2. In the "search for templates online" search box, type MLA
  3. MLA research paper (8th edition) 

A pre-filled document will now be formatted to MLA style guidelines. Replace entered text with your text.

Citation Formatiing - Indents


Adding references and citations to your papers usually require special indentations. Follow these steps for

  1. Highlight text
  2. Right-click
  3. Select "paragraph"
  4. Special Indent
  5. Hanging 

*Confirm margin of 0.5

The ruler tool can also be used to create indentations

  1. Highlight text
  2. Select bottom marker (hanging indent)
  3. Move  0.5 inches

*You can highlight more than one section at a time. Appropriate markers will move their specific sections.