Company or Industry Profiles
Gale Cengage Learning. (2013). Walgreen Co. [Company profile]. Retrieved from
Hoover’s. (2013). Retail sector [Industry report]. Retrieved from
SWOT Analysis
MarketLine. (2012). Southwest Airlines Co. [SWOT]. Retrieved from
Journal Articles (without DOI)
Goolsbee, A. & Syverson, C. (2008 November). How do incumbents respond to the
threat of entry? Evidence from the major airlines. The Quarterly Journal
of Economics, 123, 1611-1633. Retrieved from:
Journal Articles (with DOI)
Tan, J., & Tan, A. (2012). Business under threat, technology under attack, ethics
under fire: The experience of Google in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 110,
469-479. doi:10.1007/s10551-012-1494-0