Journal Articles (without DOI)
Goolsbee, A. & Syverson, C. (2008 November). How do incumbents respond to the
threat of entry? Evidence from the major airlines. The Quarterly Journal
of Economics, 123, 1611-1633. Retrieved from:
Journal Articles (with DOI)
Tan, J., & Tan, A. (2012). Business under threat, technology under attack, ethics
under fire: The experience of Google in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 110,
469-479. doi:10.1007/s10551-012-1494-0
Online Magazine Article
Byrnes, N. & Cowan, C. (2007, July 23). The high cost of wooing Google.
Business Week, 50-56. Retrieved from
Online Newspaper Article
Sanders, P. (2006, November 14). Wynn resorts’ CEO to gain about $147 million
from dividend. Wall Street Journal, p. A.3. Retrieved from
Personal interviews or email correspondence is cited as a personal communication in APA. Personal communications are only cited in text since personal correspondence are not published they would not be able to retrieve the information.
(G. Haley, personal communication, September 28, 2014)
or signal phrase:
G. Haley (personal communication, September 28, 2014)