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EVR 1001: Introduction to Environmental Sciences - Professor Miles

The purpose of this guide is to support the learning outcomes of EVR 1001 taught by Dr. Miles.

Saving & Organizing Citations: NoodleTools

2 ways to save a citation in NoodleTools

Direct export to NoodleTools from a database

  • Use the Direct Export To NoodleTools button to store citations in NoodleTools

Manually insert a citation in NoodleTools found in the library catalog by following the steps:

From the library catalog:

  1. Select the resource title to view the bibliographic record
  2. Select the Citation icon and choose APA 7th edition to format the citation.
  3. Select Copy Citation to Clipboard

In NoodleTools:

  1. Open the appropriate Project or create a Project to store your citation.
  2. Select New Source in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Select the Print or In Hand tab and choose the appropriate format of the citation. Select Continue.
  4. Choose Quick Cite: Copy & Paste a citation
  5. Paste the citation in the text box under  Manually Edited Citation
  6. Use the APA Guide link in the upper right hand of the screen to verify the proper format.

APA Quick Guide

Research Writing Database: APA Style Central

Store and manage your citations

Formatting the research paper and citations 

Quotes & Graphics

Public Domain Image Resources

This is a master list of websites which have images in the public domain. "Public domain"  usually implies the copyright on the item has expired or no  longer applies, and therefore are free to use. Although an image may no longer be protected by copyright it is still proper to provide a citation for them and their source.

Creative Commons Search

A portal through which you can use several search engines (Google, FotoSearch, Europeana, etc) to find images that may be used without seeking copyright permission.

Brainy Quotes

Famous Quotes and Authors