Safari Business Books Online delivers instant, reliable answers to both students and researchers. From problem solving and leadership to customer service and employee performance, these e-reference business books deal with a wide range of critical business skills. [includes Tech Video Component]
Taylor & Francis Online provides access to over 1 million journals articles and access to 20,000 e-books for the academic, professional and business communities. Features include citation alerts and downloads, active reference linking and RSS feeds.
Subscribed titles include: Community College Journal of Research and Practice, PRIMUS, and College Mathematics Journal
Includes partial and open access.
Provides access to more than 85 reference sources including encyclopedias, almanacs, series and - eBooks - in many subject area including literature, health, science, art, history, business, social science, and multicultural studies. To search a specific title (e.g. Short Stories for Students, Drama for Students, etc.), select the publication by clicking on the "+" beside the discipline which covers it.