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SLS 1501 (Prof. Allison--Palm Beach Gardens): Find a Career

PBSC Career Readiness Resources

Did you know that PBSC has tools to help you choose and explore careers? If you haven't chosen a career yet, click on the career coach below, and choose one of the assessments to see how your talents and interests can translate to a career. If you already know what you would like to do, click on the College Central and browse to see the kind of benefits it can offer you.

PBSC Career Coach

Haven't chosen a career yet? PBSC has you covered. Career Coach makes it easy to discover careers that excite you and find the academic programs that will help you achieve a successful career. Take career assessments, browse careers, and browse academic programs.


PBSC College Central

College Central® is your gateway to a career advancement network that provides leading-edge technology for connecting employers with qualified emerging talent, quickly and easily.

Career Readiness Activity

Here is a great way to learn about a career by using library resources at PBSC. Team up with your classmates to support each other and practice skills you will use on the job!

1. Write down the name of a career path and 3 questions you have about it.

2. Using library resources only, find 1 book, 1 video, 1 journal, and 1 database that will give you more information about this career.

3. Using your resources, answer the 3 questions you had about the career. 

4. Get together with at least 2 other classmates and discuss your findings. Try to help each other come up with follow up questions or think of skills you will need to learn to follow this career path.

Remember, librarians are available if you need help with your research!