Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Gale) On Campus | Off Campus
Provides information on social issues. Access viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites articles. (use this database to find information to support editorials, position papers, debates, or any topic that is controversial or promotes different viewpoints)
Credo Reference On Campus | Off Campus
A collection of over 500 reference sources from more than 70 publishers. Integrated with journal article databases (EBSCO, Gale, JSTOR, Wilson), as well as EasyBib.
Oxford English Dictionary Online (Oxford University Press) On Campus | Off Campus | Tutorial
Searchable online version of the Oxford English Dictionary. Includes the complete text of the Oxford English Dictionary's twenty-volume Second Edition and three-volume Additions Series.
Oxford Reference Online Premium (Oxford University Press) On Campus | Off Campus
Offers a wealth of facts, figures, definitions, and translations from 175+ Oxford reference titles, many of which are in-depth, scholarly articles from titles in the acclaimed Oxford Companions series, plus all 20,000 quotations from the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.
(Use these databases to find background information and definitions on business and economics topics)
Biography In Context (Gale) On Campus | Off Campus
Comprehensive, biographical reference database covering people in literature, science, multicultural studies, business, entertainment, politics, sports, government, history, current events and the arts.
(Use this database to find biographical information about people in the business world)