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Information Literacy Resource Guide: Library Information Literacy Program

What Librarians Do

Palm Beach State College Libraries offer customized library instruction sessions on each Campus.  Instruction sessions address information literacy outcomes to develop competencies in: 

  • recognizing multiple information systems and ways to access information;
  • forming search statements and making revisions;
  • identifying forms of communication, i.e., scholarly journals, magazines, government publications, newspapers, reference materials, and books;
  • gaining an understanding of news, media, and communication cycles;
  • Selecting credible and authoritative information sources
  • using proper formatting and citation styles 
  • gaining confidence in lifelong information literacy skills   

To schedule instruction for your classroom, use the online form for your campus.

PBSC Library Information Literacy Mission Statement

Palm Beach State College

Library Information Literacy Mission Statement

The Library Information Literacy Program at Palm Beach State College supports the instructional mission of the College and its General Education program.  Information literacy is one of the College’s institutional learning outcomes and is rooted in “the ability to find, evaluate, organize, and use information”.   This definition is consistent with educational outcomes for the State of Florida and the core ideas from the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy (2016).

The Library Information Literacy Program is an integrated, outcomes-based model of instruction that incorporates different forms of instruction at selective points in a student's academic life. The intent of the program is to achieve a tiered and coordinated approach to developing information literacy skills and a framework for lifelong learning. This approach incorporates information literacy and critical thinking with writing across the curriculum.

Specifically, the mission of the Library Information Literacy Program is to create an environment which:

  • Provides formal and informal instruction to individuals and classes and mentoring in research skills development, in person, and through distance learning
  • Offers students diverse learning opportunities in a variety of settings
  • Promotes the ethical use of library and information resources in all formats
  • Collaborates with colleagues from all departments and disciplines to integrate information literacy into academic programs
  • Evaluates the effectiveness of our methods and programs in an ongoing basis, while continually updating and reviewing our own knowledge and skills
  • Assesses a student’s ability to locate, evaluate, organize, and use information through formal and informal library and college-wide initiatives and measurements

PBSC Information Literacy Guidelines

Palm Beach State College recognizes information literacy as a core competency for degree program graduates.  The Library incorporates ACRL guidelines, standards, and best practices for information literacy instruction.

American Association of Community Colleges recognizes information literacy as a core value of general education. Read the AACC position statement on information literacy. (2008)

American Library Association offers information literacy standards for student learning, professional activities resources, and information literacy instruction objectives.