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Sugar Technology Resources: Sugar Technology Resources

This library guide includes resources and information supporting students in the sugar technology program.


Attached is a list of books related to the sugar industry. All titles are available for checkout at the Belle Glade Library Learning Resource Center.


Here is a list of full-test journals available through the library's databases. To access the journals, you may be prompted to enter the following information:

Borrower ID: 14-digit number on the back of your PantherCard beginning in 24901...

Pin/password: Two-digit birth month & year (MMYY)

Films on Demand

Here you'll find a list of links to films related to general psychology. Content is linked from the Films on Demand library database.

How to Access Films on Demand Resources

1. Log in to the Films on Demand database by clicking here:

   You may be asked to enter a borrower ID and pin/password. Borrower ID is found on ther back of your PantherCard (24901...). Your PIN is your two-digit birth    month & year (MMYY).

2. Search for the title of the film provided. Make sure that you limit your search to "By Titles."