Working Bibliography *
- Dynamic list of sources consulted for paper and organized according to your outline
- Descriptive elements (author, title, name of source) provided for each source
- All sources should contain (1) author(s), title (with sub-title(s)), (3) publication year, medium consulted
- Additional information provided according to type of source: book, chapter in book, periodical article, or web sources such as web page, blog, email, discussion forum, chat
* - Also called source list or Works Consulted list
Annotated Bibliography - Sample (Indian River State Coll)
- Working bibliography with added summaries or annotations for each source
- Reminder of what is contained in soruces
- Helps to refine argument of paper
- Some research projects require annotated bibliography as end product of research
Works Cited - Sample (Purdue OWL)
- Alphabetical list of sources used in the body of your paper
- Provides full citation information (author, title, publication information)
- Last page of paper
See also: Palmquist, Mike. The Bedford Researcher. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012.
See also APA style and APA Resource Center