Meet with a librarian at the beginning of a semester to go over the syllabus and assignments.
Provide copies of assignments to the reference librarians.
Talk with a librarian about strategies to avoid plagiarism.
Consider putting some materials on Reserve.
Work with a librarian on an assessment tool.
Break research assignments into manageable pieces with checkpoints along the way.
Encourage students to find scholarly material through the article databases available on the library website and cite them properly.
Include the evaluation, analysis, and application of information as part of the research process.
Clarify terminology with students (ex: magazine, journal, peer-reviewed) (ex: library database vs. Web).
Arrange for a librarian to visit your classroom for a portion of a class (or schedule your class to visit the library) for a specific purpose (ex: demo a specific database; show how to do alerts or rss feeds from library databases; demo how to use an online citation manager; teach APA or MLA citation styles; etc.).