Can I download an eBook from EBSCOhost to my eReader or mobile device?
- eReaders must be compatible with Adobe Digital Editions to download eBooks from EBSCOhost. View a list of all compatible devices.
- Kindle Fire, iOS and Android download the Bluefire Reader app. Adobe Digital Editions is not needed, but an Adobe account is required.
- All users must create a My EBSCOhost account to download eBooks from EBSCOhost.
How long can I check out an eBook on EBSCOhost?
- eBooks may be checked out for a minimum of 1 day to a maximum of 7 days.
Where can I go for more information about eBooks on EBSCOhost?
- EBSCO's eBooks Support Center provides answers to frequently asked questions, user guides, and a variety of tutorials.
What other eBook resources does the library own or subscribe to?
- LearningExpress Library (e.g. HESI), Safari Business & Tech Books, Springer eBooks, Virtual Reference Library, Credo Reference are also available via Databases A-Z On Campus and Off Campus.