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HSC 2100: Conclusion

This LibGuide is the compliment to HSC 2100 as taught by Professor Kaleita.


As with any discipline there are specific words or terms used when writing to signal a logical flow to what is coming next.  In writing, some signal words for conclusion are:

In conclusion



We can readily see

This suggests that


We can then infer

We can deduce

Everything that you have written in the body should come to an end in the conclusion.  The evidence and reasons should support your conclusion and should be well thought out. 

Tentative Conclusions

There are times when your conclusion will not be one that is a hard and fast absolute. Actually many times that may happen, so try to use these words to help you suggest the tentativeness of your conclusions by using words such as:

Most, many, some

Usually, oftentimes, in most or many cases,

The evidence suggests, indicates, or points to, it would appear

Signal words in a conclusion

Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that Alzheimer's Disease can be associated with a lack of social communication and interaction, however, it is a complicated disease that requires further study and inquiry.

Therefore, it is important to conduct further studies and research to clearly identify factors associated with Alzheimer's Disease and identify ways to ameliorate or stem the impact of the disease.

Tentative Conclusions

Many would claim that Alzheimer's Disease is just a function of old age and that the disease cannot be avoided as many people demonstrate some type of age related memory decline.

In most cases, however, the newest evidence suggests that we can benefit from taking proactive approaches to stemming the development of Alzheimer's as we have seen by much of the presented research.