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National Parks Assignment - Professor Stemle: Articles

This guide will direct you to the resources you need to complete the National Parks assignment

Searching Instructions

You can access the databases from off-campus just by logging into Workday

Search tips;

  • Use correct spelling
  • Use words, not sentences
  • Use the 'Help' feature provided by each database for search tips
  • Use Boolean logic or truncation to make your search more precise
  • Use the 'Advanced Search' feature to fit your search to your topic
  • Databases provide a citation for the information you retrieve. Take advantate of this; it's a great way to get a rough draft of your work cited page.





Use the Databases to Find Articles

You must be a Palm Beach State College student or employee to use the databases from off campus. For instructions on how to log in from off-campus, see instructions on this page. Here are the databases that will help you complete the National Parks project.

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) On Campus  Put in the name of the national park you wish to study, along with any specific interest you have about the park, such as geology or ecology. Limit your search to scholarly journals to obtain research information.

American History Online (Facts On File) On Campus
Use this database to find background information on topics such as the National Parks system and the Department of the Interior.

EBSCO eBook Collection On Campus |
Use this link to find ebooks. Note; the collection provides travel books, which will be of limited use for this assignment, so steer clear of them.

General Science Full Text (Wilson) On Campus
This database provided access specifically to science journals. Note that National Parks journal is available in full-text.Go to the advanced search, select 'SO Journal name' as your first search option. In the next box, put in the name of the park you are studying. Everything you retrieve will be from National Parks.

JSTOR On Campus |
JSTOR provides scholarly information, mostly retrospective; there is a delay of 1 to 5 years before articles appear on the database. Use it if you would like retrospective information. When using JSTOR, put seach terms in quotes and be sure your results are sorted by relevance.


Science Complete (Wilson) On Campus
Similar to General Science Full Text, this database provides a broad range of science articles.