Visit my faculty web site and review the syllabus for EGN 1002: Faculty Web Site
Palm Beach State College offers all of the courses you need to get started. Calculus, physics, chemistry and other essential freshman and sophomore level courses for an engineering degree program are available at PBSC. In particular, PBSC offers an Introduction to Engineering course (EGN 1002) to acquaint students with the practice of engineering and the various engineering disciplines that students can consider including:
> Mechanical Engineering and related Aerospace, Nuclear, Chemical and others
> Civil Engineering and related Environmental, Structural, Architectural and others
> Electrical Engineering and related Powerplant, Electronics, Computer and others
Term Projects:
> Powerpoint Presentations/ Hands-on Projects
Group 1: Word Processing and Spreadsheet Exercises
> MS Word Applications/ Project Management
> Spreadsheet Exercises/ Numerical Integration
Group 2: Charting and Statistics
> Charts using Excel/ Histogram & Central Tendency
> Regression Analysis/ Normal Distribution Analysis
Group 3: Static Forces
> Vector Problems/ Static Loads/ Truss Loads
Group 4: Dynamics
> Rectilinear Motion and Circular Motion
> Force, Mass and Acceleration/ Work, Energy and Power
Group 5: Direct and Alternating Current Exercises
> Direct Current Series and Parallel Circuits
> Alternating Current Series and Parallel Circuits
The Introduction to Engineering, EGN 1002, is a course that offers students an insight to the engineering profession. The course includes an overview of the various engineering disciplines and exercises in fundamental engineering problems. This course is required for completion of course requirements for an engineering degree in all Florida state colleges.