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AI Across the Curriculum: Home


This guide will give faculty an understanding of the capabilities of AI and how they can incorporate it into their curriculum if they so choose. Some things to think about when examining AI in education are:

  1. How can AI be used to enhance personalized learning experiences for students?
  2. What ethical considerations should educators consider when using AI in the classroom?
  3. In what ways can AI be used to improve student assessments and evaluations?
  4. How can educators ensure that AI-powered tools and technologies are accessible to all students, regardless of socio-economic background?
  5. What are some examples of successful implementations of AI in education, and what lessons can be learned from them?

This guide is a work in progress. It will be updated as we find new resources. If you have a resource you think should be added to this guide, please let Lisa Seymour or Danielle Campbell know. 

Content Updated October 2, 2024

Books available across PBSC Campuses

Librarian/ Associate Professor

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Lisa Seymour
She/ Her/ Hers
(561) 868-3696

Creative Commons

Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this guide were created by humans (not bots) and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).


Teaching AI Ethics

Teaching AI Ethics

Furze, L. (2024). Teaching AI Ethics [Photograph]. Https://



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Danielle Campbell


Thank you to Wilmington University Library for parts of this guide

Wilmington University Library. (2022, October). Artificial intelligence at WilmU.