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Critical Book Reviews: Citing Sources

Short guide to resources and structure of writing a critical book review



More Citation Help

Annotated Bibliography (Cornell University)

MLA Resource Center (PBSC)

Plagiarism Resource Center

OWL at Purdue (MLA Style)

Noodletools (Citation Software Tool)


When using NoodleTools, your work is saved in personal folders. Your Personal ID is the key to your personal folders and once you are logged in, you have access to your personal folders from any computer with Internet access.   Important: Your personal ID is NOT THE SAME as your school or library subscription username/password!  Use the NoodleTools website to create an account and  sign-in.

1.    If this is the first time you're using NoodleTools, click the link: "Create a Personal ID." If you already have a personal ID and password, enter them to "Sign In".

2.    If prompted, select "An account linked to a school/library subscription or trial" and click "Register."

3.    If you are not directed automatically into the subscription, enter our school/library username (pbccstudent)  and password (panther), then click "Sign In."