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ENC 1101 & 1102 (Boca): FAU Library

FAU Wimberly Library

Spring 2024 Semester Hours (Boca Raton):

The library building is open for the Spring 2024 semester from 7:45 am - 12:00 midnight, Monday-Friday, 10:30 am - 6 pm on Saturday, and noon - midnight on Sunday (see our hours page for any changes).

FAU Library Card

What do you need to do to receive an FAU library card?    

  • Present your state ID or drivers license and a current fee schedule to the FAU Libraries Service Desk. You will be given a short form to fill out and will receive a free FAU Library Card. 
  • Library cards must be updated every semester.

What can a FAU Library card do for you?


Printing @ the Wimberly Library

FAU Guest Printing Services via Web Print

Wimberly Library Printing Instructions for Guests and PBSC Students

Have Questions? Visit

Adding Money:

1) Go to the FAU Printing Services website ( and select "login to FAU Print Services." (on right) 

2) Register as a New User (Bottom)

Note: all Guest usernames begin with "guest-"

3) ***PLEASE Record and memorize your Username and Password as they CANNOT be reset or retrieved if lost***

4) Choose "Add Credit"

5) Add $2, $5 or $10 to your print Account with your Debit or Credit Card.

6) If a Cash-to-Account machine is available,use cash or coin to add funds.


1) Logon at OR using your Guest Username and Password.

2) Then choose "Web Print" from the bottom, left side of the page. 

3) Next, select the "Submit a Job" link on the top right side of the page.

4) Follow the prompts for B&W or Color printer.

5) Select "2.Print Options and Account Selection" and indicate the number of copies you want.

6) Select "3. Upload the document that you want to print from your device" and then select, "Upload from Your Computer." Browse your computer to select document to be printed.

7) Select "Upload and Complete."

8) Your document is ready in the queue, so that it can be released at the Print Release Stations when you enter your Guest Name and Password. Choose which jobs to print.

9) Photocopy machines may act as printers, photocopiers and scanners.

10) At Printer: Collect your prints!

See our Printing & More LibGuide.

Need Databases for Research?

How can I access FAU databases and electronic resources?

  • You will be able to access FAU electronic databases ONLY from FAU campus locations.
  • FAU electronic databases are NOT available from off-campus locations to Palm Beach State College students because of licensing restrictions

How can I use a desktop computer at the FAU Library?

  • Stop by the Reference Office or Service Desk to get log-in instructions. 

How do I access PBSC library databases?

For additional assistance, contact: