Books (Print)- You can find them by searching our catalog
e-Books- Electronic books that can be searched for in the catalog and some could be found in our databases. Many of them are Reference Books.
Periodicals (Online)- (Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers) You can find full-text articles in these publications by going to our periodicals databases
Internet Sources- You can use a search engine like Google, but to get reputable sources, you might want to rely on information coming from Web sites with the domains: .edu, .gov, .org,
Films on Demand-- Streaming videos from large and small production companies covering a wide range of subjects to enhance college courses. These videos include public performance rights that allow them to be used in the educational setting. You can access these films by being authenticated and then searching in our catalog and selecting Audio/Visual material.
Evaluating all sources – From the Online Bedford Handbook at
Checking for signs of bias
Assessing an argument
Evaluating Web sources
Purpose and audience
Another good source for information on "Evaluating Sources" is from the OWL Writing Lab: