Proposed Organizational Framework for Planning and ImplementationThe Council of Instructional Affairs~Learning Resources Standing Committee met on Wednesday, October 7. During the course of the day, the group added an agenda item: Changes with CFPP and FLVC and the impact those changes have on the FCS libraries. The group identified three areas critical to all FCS libraries upon which we intend to focus during the upcoming Engaging for the Future discussion, as well as during other MCLS conversations. (The bullets include examples for those items.) As chair of the CIA LRSC, I reported the outcome of our meeting to the Council of Instructional Affairs highlighting these three areas in particular. The Council of Instructional Affairs is comprised of chief academic officers and administrators within the FCS. This group reports to the Council of Presidents. The CIA indicated that the LRSC should make known any continued areas of concern that require discussion with the Council of Presidents. VPs Anthony Iacono (CIA Chair,, 772-462-7215) and Ed Bonahue (FLVC Executive Advisory Council Chair,, 352-381-3822) further directed the CIA LRSC to keep them apprised of these areas of concern, as well as additional concerns that might arise. We realize that the upcoming week is a busy one due to the visioning sessions, but the CIA LRSC members would like to have a conference call with you in the near future to further discuss our concerns.
Areas of Concern
1.Integrated library system support and training
• Regional or institutional training
• APIs that interface with our local ERMs without local financial and staffing impact
• Maximized use of ILS to fit institutional needs
2. Maintain the level of support for core eResources so that it is sustainable
• Institutions are having to license or eliminate eResources despite previous support for these products
• SUS eResources may not be appropriate for our students, yet they would be costlier to license for shared funding
• The impact is not the total amount of funding, but the percentage on funds affected
3. Transparency for activities, staffing, and funding allocations
• Handling of LBRs
• Redirecting staff/funding predominantly assigned to library functions now diverted to other areas
• Priorities shifted or forgotten