During this semester you have had the opportunity to view and discuss multiple TEDTalks. Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke of Insight (Strokes and Health), Amy Cuddy Power Pose (Increasing personal efficacy), and Kevin Briggs Bridge of Suicide (Suicide Prevention). During class and online we have discussed the incredible contribution to the health field these talks have had, recognized how they identified and solved a problem, and broken down the parts of the speech as well. On the discussion board you have responded to in depth questions regarding the talks and engaged with students in this discussion.
Now we begin to build your own contribution to the health field, your TEDTracy Talk! Each part has specific instructions. Find the TAB for each part to follow the detailed instructions, outline, and rubrics found there for each. In the end I hope you can stand proud and know you have done an amazing job! If you approve, I will show your TEDTracy Talks to my future students in my online and in person courses and add a link on youtube. You will have made a valuable contribution to the field of health and to your peers! Due dates are inside Blackboard under your TRACYTalks tab.
1. Create a Topic Statement, Specific Purpose Statement, Develop Supporting Information, and Write a Thesis Statement, and include 3 sources. Make any corrections based upon feedback and resubmit. (SEE STEP 1 TAB)
2. Develop a list of a minimum of 10 sources including a reference page in APA (You may include the 3 from step 1) as well as support from each. Submit your proposed CALL TO ACTION including a clear explanation of how you are making a contribution to health education. Align your topic choice with TWO of the HSC 2100 course learning outcomes and submit alignment rationale. Make any corrections based upon feedback and resubmit. (SEE STEP 2 TAB)
3. Submit your formal speech outline. Be sure to include principles rooted in Motivational and Persuasion Theory and Health Belief Theory. Make any corrections based upon feedback and resubmit. This rubric includes your actual TRACYTalk, visual aids etc. (SEE STEP 3 TAB)
NOW IT IS TIME TO GO! Speech rehearsal! Treat this as a formal presentation. You will give your speech to me and any students who may attend from class. I will video tape this practice speech for you to view later and upload the link to Blackboard for you. There will be 3 reviews of this speech: My review, a peer review, and your own review later. You will submit your review of your speech to me. Submit the practice speech review questionnaire to answer how you will incorporate the feedback to improve your final presentation. Revise outline and speech as appropriate. PREPARE FOR THE BIG DAY!
Final TEDTracy Talk! Presented in the GREEN SCREEN ROOM. Dress up, be prepared, feel powerful - do your power pose first! Again, 3 reviews this day: Mine, yours, and your peers. Submit SELF review. Finally, submit your final summary of experience on the discussion board and answer questions posed. Respond to your classmates.
**** Relax, you are now famous and know you are changing lives! =) Your Talk will be featured in my future health courses (if you consent). Thank you for your contribution to advancing health education for your peers, and remember YOU GOT THIS!