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Threshold Concepts: Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: APA

Resource guide for faculty, librarians, and administrators on the new framework for information literacy for higher educaiton.


This aid includes examples of in text citations, reference page citations and paper formatting in APA style. Based off of the 6th ed. of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 2010.
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Tutorial: APA

APA Style Aid


This aid includes examples of in  text citations, reference page citations and paper formatting in APA  style. Based off of the 6th ed. of the Publication Manual of the  American Psychological Association, 2010.


Identify formats.  Examine citations for a variety of works, including a book, a book chapter, an article, and a web site.  Identify each source.

Analyze citations. Use the bibliography from a scholarly journal article and determine the format of each item.