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African Journal of Marine Science
Black Book - Offshore Drilling & Marine Construction
Bulletin of Marine Science
Coastal Management : An International Journal of Marine Environment, Resources, Law, and Society
Department of Commerce: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: National Marine Sanctuary
ICES journal of marine science : Journal du conseil (Oxford)
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology
Journal of marine systems
Marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology
Marine Biodiversity Records
Marine Biology
Marine Biology Research
Marine Biotechnology
Marine ecology
Marine environmental research
Marine fisheries review
Marine Genomics
Marine geodesy; an international journal of ocean surveys, mapping and sensing
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology
Marine Industry Profile: Global
Marine Industry Profile: United Kingdom
Marine Industry Profile: United States
Marine models
Marine policy
Marine pollution bulletin
Marine Ports & Services Industry Profile: Global
Marine Resource Economics
Naše More : Journal of Marine Sciences
Open Journal of Marine Science