How is Knowledge Created? Interview a scientist about their research—ask how they develop a thesis, find new information and communicate the results of their research.
Popular vs Peer-Reviewed. Find an article in a newspaper or popular magazine. Find the original research, i.e. peer reviewed journal article on which the popular article was based. Evaluate accuracy of the popular article.
Read a Scientific Article. Explain the purpose of sections of the article: introduction, methods and analysis. Discuss how the article meets the criteria of primary information source.
Research Proposal. Identify a world problem to solve. Conduct a literature review to include in your proposal.
Review Article. Find a review article on a topic. Follow the scientific literature and add new developments to update the review article.
Research Log. Keep a record of your research strategies, i.e. sources consulted, keywords, and revisions. Document your results with an analysis of the effectiveness of your research methods.