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Engineering Resource Guide: Websites

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Featured Websites and Digital Libraries


Alternative Fuels Data Center  part of the US Department of Energy's Clean Cities Program, provides information and tools related to the use of alternative energy.

American Association of Mechanical Engineers

American Wind Energy Association

College Source Virtual collection which includes 39,270 U.S. and international college catalogs, representing 2-year, 4-year and graduate institutions, as well as law, medical and specialty schools.

DOE Data Explorer  The publicly available data collections and individual datasets support DOE research results that are well documented in journal articles, conference literature, and technical reports.

efunda (engineering fundamentals) is a website for locating reliable engineering information.

ETDEWEB World Energy Base   information on energy R&D; energy policy and planning; basic sciences and materials research; the environmental impact of energy production and use, including climate change; energy conservation; nuclear,coal and fossil fuels; renewable energy technologies (e.g., solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydro).

Engineeringnet (Resource to explore career paths in engineering)

FracFocus  FracFocus is the "national hydraulic fracturing chemical disclosure registry." 

NCGS Energy Research Program  This page serves as a direct portal to the various energy programs of the US Geological Survey (USGS).

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). Access to statistical information about science and engineering in the U.S. 

National Institute of Standards and Technology

National Library of Energy  is an electronic gateway to information from 17 databases and 83 websites. 

Renewable Energy World

STEM Careers

TRB Publications Index  The TRB Publications Index contains over 50,000 papers, articles, and reports published by the Transportation Research Board, Highway Research Board, Strategic Highway Research Program, or the Marine Board from 1923 to date.

Digital Libraries

MetaLib, a service of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (53 government databases, subject gateways, digital repositories and e-journals)

National Science Digital Library

OAIster More than 19 million digital resources from over 1,000 organizations developed by the University of Michigan.

Science Portal (U.S. Government) is a global science gateway comprised of national and international scientific databases and portals.


Open Access Search Engines

BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine  one of the best and most comprehensive tools for locating open-access books, journals, dissertations, and other scholarly sources available worldwide.

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