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Embedding Library Resources in Canvas - Faculty Guide

How to Embed Research Guides (AKA LibGuides) in Canvas

LibGuides are a powerful tool for your course.  They function as webpages and can include information and links that students will need.  LibGuides are an excellent choice for courses with heavy research needs or just as a place to keep all course material organized for yourself and students.  LibGuides can be embedded into a Canvas Page with a little ingenuity.  Embedding the LibGuide into a Canvas Page allows students to interact with it from within your Canvas course. The Library is working on easier LibGuide integration.  Browse existing guides here. Or, contact a faculty librarian to build your own.

Source Code for Embedding Research Guides (AKA LibGuides) in Canvas

Embed LibGuide Workflow

  1. Search existing guides here or contact a librarian to get started building your LibGuide
  2. Copy the LibGuide URL from the browser bar (example:
  3. Use the following iframe templated code to create your embed code:  <iframe src="YOUR URL HERE" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe> (example: <iframe src="" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>)
  4. Click the embed button in the Rich Text Editor for your Canvas Page
  5. Paste your embed code
  6. Click "Submit" and then "Save"