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Library Cluster Meeting Agenda (March 24, 2011): General Education Assessment Results

Strategies to Improve Communication & Critical Thinking

Ways to support suggested improvement strategies of College Committees

3.      Explore the possibility of including a component in the ENC1102 curriculum to teach formal writing styles, such as, APA or MLA, either in the course itself or as a required module offered in the Student Learning Centers. (Communications)

Workshops on APA/MLA....mentoring.  (All ENC1102 students could also be assigned a “personal librarian.” Having a strong rapport with students facilitates their success.)....supporting assignments, such as a semester long blog which requires students to participate, sort of like a library activity that the instructor doesn’t have to grade.  The librarian gives the final score to the instructor, who calculates it in the student’s final grade.  No extra work then for the instructor.  (Diana)

 5.      Establish a Plagiarism Resource Center through the libraries and disseminate information to all students and faculty. (Communications) 

Already done

7.    Explore the possibility of including an information literacy module into the ENC1101 curriculum. (Critical Thinking)

Blogging assignment  "Expanding Library Instruction: Using Blogger to Collaborate, Connect, and Instruct", by Harold Goss. (Diana)

Cluster suggested strategies to improve Communication & Critical Thinking

Report Results 2010-2011

"The 2010-2011 assessment of the general education program was completed last semester and consisted of a variety of measures. The principle assessments used were Scenarios, the ETS Proficiency Profile and a variety of institutional measures."

General Education Learning Outcomes Assessment 2010-2011

General Education outcomes at the College reflect an integration and synthesis of knowledge and skills acquired through a program of study. College faculty developed and approved seven general education learning outcomes which represent the fundamental aspects of the expected competencies of the general education core. These seven general education learning outcomes are:

Communications:  Develop effective reading, writing, speaking, listening, and nonverbal communication skills for a variety of audiences.

 Global Awareness:  Exhibit a sense of community and be sensitive to cultural and global diversity; exercise civic responsibility; give service to others; and respect and care for our natural environment.

 Critical Thinking:  Evaluate arguments; separate fact and opinion; recognize points of view; understand implications and consequences, and acknowledge diverse values.

Technology and Information Literacy:  Use printed materials, personal communication, observation, and technological applications to find, evaluate organize, and present information in order to achieve educational and professional success.

 Quantitative Reasoning:  Use college-level mathematical concepts and methods to understand, analyze, and explain issues in quantitative terms.

 Ethics:  Demonstrate a responsibility for personal, social, professional, educational and natural environments and make informed decisions based on those responsibilities.

 Personal Development:  Develop an ability to understand and manage self, adapt to change, enhance wellness, learn effectively, establish a framework for aesthetic responsiveness, and set personal and professional goals.

[Introduction: ]

Palm Beach State Information Literacy






 Guide is for in-house use and brings together documents to assess information literacyPalm Beach State College's Informatin Literacy     March 24, 2011